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teaching:m_r:excersize:proj4 [2012/11/07 18:03]
teaching:m_r:excersize:proj4 [2021/08/14 04:21]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Co-ordinate conversion using Proj4 and Awk ====== 
-===== Proj.4 ===== 
-Reference: [[]] 
-PROJ.4 is a library for performing conversions between cartographic projections. The library is based on the work of Gerald Evenden at the USGS,[2] but is now an OSGeo project maintained by Frank Warmerdam. The library also ships with executables for performing these transformations from the command line. (Reference: [[]]) 
-== Download program == 
-|[[|Proj.4]] |  |[[|Proj.4]] | 
-===== Awk ===== 
-Awk is a terminal program / script program.  
-Reference: [[]] 
-If you are like many computer users, you would frequently like to make changes in various text files wherever certain patterns appear, or extract data from parts of certain lines while discarding the rest. To write a program to do this in a language such as C or Pascal is a time-consuming inconvenience that may take many lines of code. The job is easy with awk, especially the GNU implementation: gawk. 
-The awk utility interprets a special-purpose programming language that makes it possible to handle simple data-reformatting jobs with just a few lines of code.  
-Find the manual here: [[]] 
-== Download program == 
-|[[|Gnu Awk]] |[[|Gnu Awk]]\\ open gawk.pkg|[[|Gnu Awk]] | 
-===== Awk/proj4 script ===== 
-Script that convert gga-strings to UTM co-ordinates. 
-<file bash ggacs2cs.awk>  
-#!/usr/bin/awk -f 
-function usage(){ 
-  print "purpose: convert geographical/projected coordinates from NMEA input" 
-  print "default: parses GGA and transforms coordinates from WGS84 to UTM 32 N" 
-  print "options [-v OPT=value]:" 
-  print "EPSGFROM=4326 (epsg code to convert from)" 
-  print "EPSGTO=25832 (epsg code to convert to)" 
-  print "MYFS=\",\" (field separator)" 
-  print "CNV=false (convert to pseudo NMEA message with converted coordinates)" 
-  print "NFN=3 (input field latitude)" 
-  print "EFN=5 (input field longitude)" 
-  print "ECHO=false (echo NMEA messages)" 
-  print "PRINT2FILE=false (set to false in order not to write to file)" 
-  print "OUTPUTFILE=ggacs2cs (filename of the output file)" 
-#Windows command: gawk -f ggacs2cs.awk -v ECHO=true PRINT2FILE=true OUTPUTFILE=utm_row4_adana EPSGTO=32636 ggaLog.log 
-#Windows command: gawk -f ggacs2cs.awk -v PRINT2FILE=true OUTPUTFILE=gga_l_u EPSGTO=32636 GGAlinksoben.log 
-#EPSG:32636: WGS 84 / UTM zone 36N 
-# TODO: feed all coordinates to cs2cs in one large chunk, not line per line 
-# TODO: use optarg: 
-<<<<<<< .mine 
->>>>>>> .r1275 
-#     while ((c = getopt(ARGC, ARGV, "h")) != -1) { 
-#         if (c == "h") { 
-#             usage() 
-#         }# else if (c == "c") { # TODO implement other options here 
-        #} 
-  FS="," 
-  OFS=FS 
-  if (EPSGTO==""){ 
-    EPSGTO="25832" # 25832: # ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N <25832> +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs  <> 
-  } 
-  if (EPSGFROM==""){ 
-    EPSGFROM="4326" 
-  } 
-  if (CNV==""){ # if CNV="true" then a fake string is created with the transformed coordinates 
-    CNV="false"  
-  } 
-  if(NFN==""){NFN=3} 
-  if(EFN==""){EFN=5} 
-  if(HFN==""){HFN=10} 
-  if(ECHO==""){ECHO="false"} # echo NMEA as seen? set with -v ECHO=true 
-  if(PRINT2FILE==""){PRINT2FILE="false"} 
-  if(OUTPUTFILE==""){OUTPUTFILE="ggacs2cs"} 
-function nmea2dd(nmeacoord){ 
-  dn=int(nmeacoord/100); 
-  return dn+((nmeacoord-(dn*100.0))/60) 
-function cs2cs(coordarray){ 
-  CMD="echo "coordarray[2]" "coordarray[1]" "coordarray[3]" | cs2cs -f \"%.6f\" +init=epsg:"coordarray[4]" +to +init=epsg:"coordarray[5] 
-   #print CMD 
-  gkarray[0]="" 
-  CMD | getline TRANSFCOORD 
-#   printf "begin"TRANSFCOORD"end" 
-  split(TRANSFCOORD, gkarray, "\t") 
-  split(gkarray[2],D," ") 
-  # print  C[0] 
-  # GKR=C[1] 
-  # GKH=D[1] 
-  coordarray[7]=gkarray[1] 
-  coordarray[6] = D[1] #northing 
-  coordarray[8] = D[2] #easting 
-#   print "\\debug wgs2gk3: " coordarray[1] FS coordarray[2] FS coordarray[3]  FS coordarray[4] FS coordarray[5] FS coordarray[6] 
-#   return gkarray 
-# function wgs84toepsg(coord_n_e_h_to){ 
-#   CMD="echo "coord_n_e_h_to[1]" "coord_n_e_h_to[2]" "coord_n_e_h_to[3]" | cs2cs -f \"%.3f\" +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +to +EPSG:"coord_n_e_h_to[4]" " 
-#   # print CMD 
-#   resarray[0]="" 
-#   CMD | getline TRANSFCOORD 
-# #   printf "begin"TRANSFCOORD"end" 
-#   split(TRANSFCOORD, splitarray, "\t") 
-#   split(splitarray[2],D," ") 
-#   # print  C[0] 
-#   # GKR=C[1] 
-#   # GKH=D[1] 
-#   resarray[1]=splitarray[1] 
-#   resarray[2] = D[1] 
-#   resarray[3] = D[2] 
-#    print "\\debug wgs84toepsg: " resarray[1] FS resarray[2] FS resarray[3] 
-#   return resarray 
-# } 
-{if (ECHO!="false"){print;} 
-#if (true){ 
-# for (i=1;i<=NF;i++){ 
-# print i"\t"$i 
-# } 
-#   $GPGGA,131329.00,4842.71443089,N,00912.27614062,E,4,07,1.3,437.834,M,0.000,M,0.0,0000*70 
-  transarray[0]="" 
-  transarray[1]=nmea2dd($NFN) # ddlat 
-  transarray[2]=nmea2dd($EFN) # ddlon 
-  transarray[3]=$HFN # wgsheight 
-  transarray[4]=EPSGFROM 
-  transarray[5]=EPSGTO 
-#   transarray[4]=EPSGCODE 
-  cs2cs(transarray) 
-  if(CNV!="false"){ # print pseudo string with transformed coordinates 
-    $1="$CCONV" 
-    $NFN=transarray[6] 
-    $EFN=transarray[7] 
-    $HFN=transarray[8] 
-    print $0 
-  }else 
-  print transarray[6] FS transarray[7] FS transarray[8] 
-  #write to file: works in windows 
-  if(PRINT2FILE=="true"){ 
- #{print transarray[6] FS transarray[7] FS transarray[8] > OUTPUTFILE".log"} 
- #northing,easting 
- {print transarray[1] FS transarray[2] FS transarray[3] > OUTPUTFILE".log"} 
-  } 
teaching/m_r/excersize/proj4.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:21 (external edit)