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robotsoftware:mobotware:mobotware-ros [2012/01/18 16:54]
— (current)
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-====== Compile MobotWare with ROS Electric ====== 
-This should only be a problem for older versions of MobotWare. MobotWare has been updated, and the conflict is resolved in the current version. 
-We are currently working on solving the problems between ROS and MobotWare. 
-There are problems with  
-  libcv-dev 
-  libhighgui-dev 
-and the OpenCV package from ROS.  
-This is a walkthrough on how to solve the problem. 
-It does not solv all problems yet, we are still working on it. 
- The testing stopped at bayer2rgb, they may bee more problems thatt needs to be fixed in order to run an older version of MobotWare alongside ROS. 
-There are no plans for updating this page because of the new version of MobotWare, but we plan on leaving it as is. 
-===== Initial changes ===== 
-First remove 
-  libcv-dev 
-  libhighgui 
-if you haven´t removed them, they will be removed automatically when you install ROS. 
-Then [[robotsoftware:ros:ros|install ROS]], when it is installed return here. 
-Execute these commands - Check you version of opencv to make sure you create the right links. 
-  sudo ln -s /usr/include/opencv-2.3.1/opencv2 /usr/include/opencv2 
-  sudo ln -s /usr/include/opencv-2.3.1/opencv /usr/include/opencv 
-  /usr/lib/pkgconfig/opencv-2-3-1.pc 
-so it look like this 
-# Package Information for pkg-config 
-Name: OpenCV 
-Description: Open Source Computer Vision Library 
-Version: 2.3.1 
-#Libs:  -l${exec_prefix}/lib/ -l${exec_prefix}/lib/ -l${exec_prefix}/lib/ -l${exec_prefix}/lib/ -l${exec_prefix}/lib/ -l${exec_prefix}/lib/ -l${exec_prefix}/lib/ -l${exec_prefix}/lib/ -l${exec_prefix}/lib/ -l${exec_prefix}/lib/ -l${exec_prefix}/lib/ 
-Libs: -L${exec_prefix}/lib -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_video -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_flann -lopencv_core 
-Cflags: -I${includedir_old} -I${includedir_new} 
-===== Change following make files ===== 
-(This is only the first file that has to be updated. Try to find a solution so it can all be written in one file so you don´t have to change it.) 
-==== ulmsserver ==== 
-  /aurobotserves/trunk/src/ulmsserver/makefile 
-   -lcxcore 
-   -lcv 
-from the LDFLAGS 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in ulmsserver makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -g3 -O0 -L../../lib -lurob4o -lugen4o -lumap4o -lcxcore -lcv -ldl -rdynamic \ 
-          -lcurses -lreadline -lpng -liau_mat 
-<code>-L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs`</code> 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in ulmsserver makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -g3 -O0 -L../../lib -lurob4o -lugen4o -lumap4o -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` -ldl -rdynamic \ 
-          -lcurses -lreadline -lpng -liau_mat 
-#Removed because of ROS update: -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui 
-#Inserted because of ROS update: -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` 
-==== auclient ==== 
-  /aurobotserves/trunk/src/auclient/makefile 
-   -lcxcore 
-   -lcv 
-   -lhighgui 
-from the LDFLAGS 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in auclient makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -g3 -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui \ 
-          -L../../lib -lurob4o -lugen4o -lumap4o \ 
-   -lpng -ldl -rdynamic -lcurses -lreadline -lurob4o -liau_mat 
-<code>-L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs`</code> 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in auclient makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -g3 -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` \ 
-          -L../../lib -lurob4o -lugen4o -lumap4o \ 
-   -lpng -ldl -rdynamic -lcurses -lreadline -lurob4o -liau_mat 
-# extra preprocessor defines (mainly for module testcode) 
-# change NO_USE_HIGHGUI to USE_HIGHGUI for X-display direct 
-# if NO_USE_HIGHGUI, then -lhighgui may be removed from LDFLAGS 
-#Removed because of ROS update: -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui 
-#Inserted because of ROS update: -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` 
-==== cameracalibrate ==== 
-  /aurobotserves/trunk/utils/cameracalibrate/makefile 
-   -lcxcore 
-   -lcv 
-   -lhighgui 
-from the LDFLAGS 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in cameracalibrate makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui 
-<code>-L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs`</code> 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in cameracalibrate makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` 
-#Removed because of ROS update: -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui 
-#Inserted because of ROS update: -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` 
-==== stereocalibrate ==== 
-  /aurobotserves/trunk/utils/stereocalibrate/makefile 
-   -lcxcore 
-   -lcv 
-   -lhighgui 
-from the LDFLAGS 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in stereocalibrate makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui 
-<code>-L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs`</code> 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in stereocalibrate makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` 
-#Removed because of ROS update: -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui 
-#Inserted because of ROS update: -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` 
-==== utmpose2kml ==== 
-  /aurobotserves/trunk/utils/utmpose2kml/makefile 
-   -lcxcore 
-from the LDFLAGS 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in utmpose2kml makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -L../../lib -lugen4o -lcxcore -lexpat 
-<code>-L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs`</code> 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in utmpose2kml makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -L../../lib -lugen4o -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` -lexpat 
-#Removed because of ROS update: -lcxcore  
-#Inserted because of ROS update: -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` 
-==== bayer2rgb ==== 
-There is some problem caused by ugen4 haven´t found it yet. Uncommented bayer2rgb from 
-  .../utils/makefile 
-Here are the bayer2rgb makefile 
-  /aurobotserves/trunk/utils/bayer2rgb/makefile 
-   -lcxcore 
-from the LDFLAGS 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in bayer2rgb makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui -L../../lib -lugen4o 
-<code>-L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs`</code> 
-<sxh java; highlight: [1]; title: Changes in bayer2rgb makefile> 
-LDFLAGS = -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` -L../../lib -lugen4o 
-#Removed because of ROS update: -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui 
-#Inserted because of ROS update: -L/usr/lib `pkg-config opencv-2.3.1 --libs` 
robotsoftware/mobotware/mobotware-ros.1326902076.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:20 (external edit)