====== Logitech Gamepad ====== ===== Installation ===== Install the following packages sudo apt-get install joystick sudo apt-get install jstest-gtk Make sure the gamepad is in X-mode, run this command to check dmesg | grep input you should now see something similar to this somewhere input: Generic X-Box pad as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.1/1-1.1:1.0/input/input21 now open jstest-gtk to see the prot where the controller is installed. In this case /dev/input/js0 The gamepad is now installed on the computer. ==== Permissions ==== Do the following steps: - Add a new group sudo groupadd gamepad - Add your user to the group useradd -G gamepad [username] - Add the file joystick_acl_correction.sh to /etc/udev/ - Make joystick_acl_correction.sh executable sudo chmod a+x joystick_acl_correction.sh - Add the file 80-local.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ The udev-rule file is numbered 80 to make sure it is executed after /lib/udev/rules.d/70.udev-acl.rules #!/bin/bash if [ -c /dev/input/js* ]; # -c is a character device - see http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/fto.html for option then setfacl -m g:gamepad:rw- /dev/input/js* #for ACL see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissionsACLs echo "Gamepad ACL permission set" else echo "No gamepad detected, ACL not set" fi #This rule is to make the Logitec gamepad read/writeable for the normal user. SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="Generic X-Box pad", GROUP="gamepad", MODE="0660", RUN+="/etc/udev/joystick_acl_correction.sh" ===== Running MobotWare with Gamepad ===== go to the folder /home/phoenix/mobotware/phoenix/ open the file rhdconfig.joy.xml make sure the is set to the correct port. Now start MobotWare ==== Starting mobotware ==== {{page>robotsoftware:mobotware:manual:starting#phoenix}}