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MobotWare configuration

Use this configuration to make you work with MobotWare easier. It will save you alot of time and frustration.

Add this to .bashrc

#added for the libs in aurobotserves 
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

Add the following symbolic links to


go to this directory and write the following commands:

Include the folder where MobotWare is located. On my computer it is in:

ln -s /home/claes/MobotWare/Mobotware/aurobotservers/trunk/build/bin/* .

Now add another link to userver called unav

ln -s /home/claes/MobotWare/Mobotware/aurobotservers/trunk/build/bin/userver unav

This is used often with the replay function.

Now add links to the RHD

ln -s /home/claes/MobotWare/Mobotware/rhd/trunk/build/bin/* .

Last add links to the MRC

ln -s /home/claes/MobotWare/Mobotware/mrc/trunk/mrc/mrc mrc

Now go to /usr/local/lib/ and add the following symbolic links

ln -s /home/claes/MobotWare/Mobotware/aurobotservers/trunk/build/lib/* .

Armadillo Specific

Go to


add another link to userver called hakoclient

ln -s /home/claes/MobotWare/Mobotware/hakoclient/trunk/hakoclient hakoclient

This is used for starting missionfiles. It will be used until a webserver is installed on the Armadillo

robotsoftware/mobotware/install/mobotwareconfig.1341299230.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:20 (external edit)