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Official Webpage

Create News-article

Download the help as pdf: Create a news-article

There are 3 different places to create a news-article on the homepage.
For the front page: ”Aktuelle Themen” and for the 2 robots: ”Hako/AMS” and ”Armadillo Scout”.
The way to do it is identical, but is accomplish different places.

Guidance of creating a new news
Login at the backend:

Then you see this table of contents.
Choose “page”.
Press the arrow left of the
1.“Wir über uns”
2.“Aktuelle Themen”
Choose the FOLDER “Aktuelle Themen”
(the icon is different from the “page”).

To create a new news-article:
Press the icon with the green plus-sign next to “title”.
Then fill out the information of the news:

The news-page gets visible on the webpage when the check mark at the “hide” is removed.
The date of the news is set in “Zusatzinformationen”, press this tab and you see this:

Set the date of the news in the top.
<span style=“color:green;”>Add a picture, if wanted.</span> Choose a picture by pressing the folder in the green ring.

1. <span style=“color:red;”>Press save at the icon in RED ring</span> (important to save before making the English version!!)
2. Make the news in English: choose “English” in the GREEN ring, then a new version is created and you can translate it.

The different places to make a news
If you want to create a news of one of the robots, choose:


  • enter all project ideas as BSc, MSc or projects
  • create photos for the topic teaser, have 2 at the moment need 5-8
  • create news section for the hako
  • fill in news in each news section
  • update this site with task instead

<task> TITLE: Everybody should have an image in both german and english version PRIORITY: Medium ESTIMATE: 15m PROGRESS: 10% ASSIGNED: Claes DESCRIPTION: Upload an image for both the german and english version of the webpage. Ask Claes If you dont know how to do it. </task>


  • Hiwi firmware, detail not showing correctly
web/external.1340714581.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:20 (external edit)