====== Internship - DTU ======
This description is for the internship of Kim and Lasse.
===== Assignments, Description of work =====
There will be XX main tasks
- Preperation of autonomous platforms
- Start design and contruction of new autonomous platform, the [[robots:jd:welcome|JD-tractor]]
==== Preperation of autonomous platforms ====
=== Hako ===
- Update Mobotware to the latest version (linux knowledge)
- Smr image cloned.
- update plugins - copy lib files
- update config files for rhd (kim) and mrc(claes) to match hako
- rhd add to conf: logitech controller
- connections between webpages and hakoclient, mrc and rhd
- new label for networkcard (dhcp) should read
- setup webserver to run hakoclient website
- - Setup network
- reinstall CAN HW
- Lincan v.0.3.5 was installed, tested and found to be working.
- Re-write the hakocan plugin to function with the new drivers. Not nesserary after all
- Reassemble Linak aktuator. (DONE)
- Update RHD Hako-plugin to send keep-alive signal to the ESX.(c-programming)
- (Kim) The plugin sent the keep-alive signal on the wrong port. This has been corrected.
- Test the hako after the update (linux/MobotWare knowledge)
- After the update and reinstall of software, the hako was taken on a small test run (4. dec) and was working.
- In determministic mode
- In reactive mode
- A start up script has been writen for starting rhd,mrc,hakoclient Programs must be manually started
- wrote new startup instructions.
- write a user guide to starting the hako, starting programs, making a missionfile and running the hako.
=== Armadillo ===
- New computer
- Assemble all parts and fit them in casing. All HW is already here.
- Install Ubuntu 13.04 and all HW drivers
- Install Mobotware
- Update firmware on motorcontrollers
- Test the closed-loop speed command on the controllers
- update RHD plugin with open and closed-loop options
=== Talos ===
-RS485 to usb converter
-2 new motorcontrollers
==== JD tractor ====
- make steering autonomous
- add the steering to the ECU on the tractor
- Start documentaiton on the internal wiki
/*- Start ISOBUS plugin for the RHD*/
- Optional: New computer for the JD