====== Official Webpage ======
[[https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/uploads/media/TYPO3-Einfuehrung.pdf|Hohenheim Typo3 Manual]]
Login for editors: https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/typo3/backend.php
===== Create News-article =====
Download the help as pdf: {{:web:create_news.pdf|Create a news-article}}\\
There are 3 different places to create a news-article on the homepage. \\
For the front page: ”Aktuelle Themen” and for the 2 robots: ”Hako/AMS” and ”Armadillo Scout”. \\
The way to do it is identical, but is accomplish different places.\\
**Guidance of creating a new news**\\
Login at the backend: [[https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/typo3/backend.php|https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/typo3/backend.php]]\\
|{{:web:1_indhold.png?200 |}}|Then you see this table of contents.\\ Choose “page”.|
|{{:web:2_site_open.png?300|}}|Press the arrow left of the\\ “mpt.uni-hohenheim”. |
|{{:web:3_total_site.png?300|}}|**Choose:**\\ 1.“Wir über uns”\\ 2.“Aktuelle Themen”|
|{{:web:4_aktuelle_themen.png?300|}}|Choose the FOLDER “Aktuelle Themen”\\ (the icon is different from the “page”).|
|{{:web:5_create_news.png?500|}}\\ To create a new news-article:\\ Press the icon with the green plus-sign next to “title”.|
|Then fill out the information of the news:\\ {{:web:6_write_the_news.png?500|}}\\ The news-page gets visible on the webpage when the check mark at the “hide” is removed.|
|The date of the news is set in “Zusatzinformationen”, press this tab and you see this:\\ {{:web:7_date_of_news.png?500|}} \\ Set the date of the news in the top.\\ Add a picture, if wanted. Choose a picture by pressing the folder in the green ring.|
|{{:web:8_save_and_english.png?500|}} \\ 1. Press save at the icon in RED ring (important to save before making the English version!!)\\ 2. Make the news in English: choose “English” in the GREEN ring, then a new version is created and you can translate it.|
**The different places to make a news**\\
If you want to create a news of one of the robots, choose:\\
===== Todo =====
* enter all project ideas as BSc, MSc or projects
* create photos for the topic teaser, have 2 at the moment need 5-8
* create news section for the hako
* fill in news in each news section
* update this site with task instead
TITLE: Everybody should have an image in both german and english version
DESCRIPTION: Upload an image for both the german and english version of the webpage. Ask Claes If you dont know how to do it.
==== Jobs ====
* Hiwi firmware, detail not showing correctly