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Armadillo Scout Projects

Mechanical projects

Beltmodule redesign

The official description is in this googledocs document

We need a new design in order for the module to live up to our expectations

Dynamic change of height

Dynamic change of width

Movement of entire house for weight displacement

Adding an implement and balancing of weight

Tilting of the beltmodules

tilt the beltmodules and put a castor wheel on the ground

Update RHD for the new hardware

The RHD in MobotWare needs to be updated so it can control the hardware on Armadillo 2.


  • Gyro/IMU
  • Tiltmeter
  • GNSS
  • Sick LSM111
  • Stereo camera
  • Encoders


  • Motorcontrollers - is almost done

Selector button like on the Hako for mode control

  1. Remote - Bypass computer and go directly to the motorcontrollers
  2. WiiMote - (Using FroboMind)The software should start automatically based on the selected mode
  3. Automatic - The software should start automatically based on the selected mode
    1. MobotWare
    2. Frobomind

Upgrade the Safety System for the Armadillo-Scout

The Safety System need to be designed and implemented. It should follow the solution made for the Hako, so it is compliant with ISO 13849 - Machine Safety. It includes the following assignments:

  • Bumper like on the hako or something similar.
  • Redundant wirering for all e-stop buttons
  • Integrate the motorcontroller in the system, so the power is not just cut off and used a a motor/motorcontroller reset. See documentaton for motor controllers on how to corretly implement the MC in the Safety System.

Install Remote to connect directly to the motor controller

It is possible to cennect a RC controller directly to the motor controller. This mean it can be controlled with ot the computer and software.

Look for safety remote for this!

projects/ideas/armadillo_scout.1341495786.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:19 (external edit)