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Hohenheim projects

Isobus on hako/armadillo

Isobus implement control

Closed loop con in ecu command from Navigation pc

ATB projects

LIDAR development

High resolution LIDAR for tree scanning

Soil tester

Design a soil-tester for the Armadillo Scout. Drawings are currently being made at TU Berlin.

Integrate result in the SenGIS database for further analysis.

FroboMind/MobotWare for TU Berlin robot

Implement existing robotsoftware on the TU Berlin robot.

Testing of ATB NDVI Camera

SenGIS would like to test the camera as they do with a lot of other sensors. In order to compare the sensors.

Using renewable energy in agriculture

  • Using solar power to charge armadillo scout.

Hohenheim/DTU projects

MobotWare User Interface

Continue the work started by Thomas Parkhøi

Thomas Parkhøi wrote the BSc Thesis Robot mission manager GUI with sugguestions for updating the UI for the hako client.

These updates should be finished and tested.

MobotWare for LegoMindstorms NXT

Create a firmware for Legomindstorms so it is possible to program them using SMRCL and/or a highlevel controller program connect to the mindstorm via Bluetooth.

  • Firmware for running SMRCL
  • Drives for the sensors
    • Both native Lego sensors and third party sensors.

The mindstoms could then also be used as a simulation tool for the Hako or other robots.


There is a ROS-NXT pack that uses a lot of interesting functions. It could be cool to control the mindstoms with a combination of ROS and SMRCL.

Plugin based MRC

Change/update the MRC so it is plugin-based like the rest of MobotWare. Fx. Motioncontroller so it is easier to implement different kinematic modules.

SMRCL IDE/Debugger

The idea is to write a script and execute with rhd/mrc/stage. It should have the debug functions:

  1. step in to
  2. step over
  3. breakpoint
  4. run to breakpoint
  5. run
  6. pause
  7. stop
  8. feedback on variables

use scintilla as editor, functions for editor:

  1. SMRCL syntax highlighter
  2. autocomplete
  3. code snippets

load scripts from files would also be a good idea.

maybe just syntax highlite for Notepad++/gedit plus below

maybe as a ide for eclipse -

Debugger/Program tester

Include debugger where you can test differnt commands

A GUI program where you can select the commands, create a script and chose when to execute each command.


Include default configs for simulating with MobotWare

SDU Projects

Implementing FroboMind on the Hako

ROS can run on Slackware, so it could be interesting to see if FroboMind can control the Hako. Soeren from SDU is interested in making the project.

Treemapping algorithm for 3D-Mosaic

DTU/SDU Projects

SMR-CL interpreter for ROS

Make it possible to control all Frobomind robots with SMR-CL.

Implement FroboMind on SMR,…

Implement MobotWare on Hortibot,…

projects/ideas.1341496277.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:19 (external edit)