For information on installation see Install MobotWare, Install MobotWare, FroboMind Installation.
See RTAI and MobotWare on how to install RTAI on FroboBox.
When the installation is complete we will put an image of the installation on this page
- This file is not updated with the lastest constant calculations
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <!-- Configuration file for SMRdemo This file is for the SMR Robot types differential, ackerman Name smr, mmr, ackerbot, hako, armadillo --> <robotinfo type="differential" name="armadillo" > <debug/> <speak /> <odometry cl ="0.00312" cr ="0.00312" w ="1.31" ts ="0.01" maxtick ="1000" control ="0" /> <motioncontrol ts ="0.01" line_gain ="0.05" line_tau ="10" line_alfa ="0.3" wall_gain ="1" wall_tau ="0.7" wall_alfa ="0.2" drive_kdist ="4.8" drive_kangle="2.25" kp ="10" gain ="1" tau ="0.16" alfa ="0.2" w ="0.26" lim ="0.2" stopdist ="0.18" alarmdist ="0.1" velcmd ="0.3" acccmd ="0.3" nolinedist ="0.2" /> <motorcontrol velscalel = "100" velscaler ="100" kp ="66" ki ="10" /> <filter type="EKF" run="1" use="0" size_input="2" size_state="3" size_noise_process="2" size_output="2" size_noise_output="2" measurementnoise_std_x="0.1" measurementnoise_std_y="0.11" processnoise_std_stearingangle="0.01" processnoise_std_dist="0.02" > <matrix name="A" size="3 3" type="double"> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 </matrix> <matrix name="B" size="3 3" type="double"> 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 </matrix> <matrix name="C" size="3 3" type="double"> 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 </matrix> </filter> </robotinfo>