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Official Webpage

Create News-article

Download the help as pdf: Create a news-article

There are 3 different places to create a news-article on the homepage.
For the front page: ”Aktuelle Themen” and for the 2 robots: ”Hako/AMS” and ”Armadillo Scout”.
The way to do it is identical, but is accomplish different places.

Guidance of creating a new news
Login at the backend:

Then you see this table of contents.
Choose “page”.

Press the arrow left of the “mpt.uni-hohenheim”.


  • enter all project ideas as BSc, MSc or projects
  • create photos for the topic teaser, have 2 at the moment need 5-8
  • create news section for the hako
  • fill in news in each news section
  • update this site with task instead

<task> TITLE: Everybody should have an image in both german and english version PRIORITY: Medium ESTIMATE: 15m PROGRESS: 10% ASSIGNED: Claes DESCRIPTION: Upload an image for both the german and english version of the webpage. Ask Claes If you dont know how to do it. </task>


  • Hiwi firmware, detail not showing correctly
web/external.1340698106.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:20 (external edit)