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Instrumentation & Test Engineering Wiki

Welcome. This is the internal wiki and knowlegdebase for Instrumentation and Test Engineering. Her you will find information about excersizes, research, hardware and other things.

This wiki is intended as a knowledge sharing tool, FAQ and help for students, PhD´s, employees and partners.

If you need help with adding or editing this wiki you can fnd it here:

DokuWiki Help


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Here is a list of the sensors we use in our section. It includes input, output, configuration and manuals.

We are trying to create descriptions with SensorML together with SenGIS

Where are they?


We have several pages in our section. But there are 2 main pages 1 internal (this) and 1 external. Besides the 2 main pages we have a Traq site for software development and a TaskFreak site with assingments.

If you would like to have a login to one of the pages contact Claes.

Here are the guidelines on how to work with the pages.

Our page on the FroboMind wiki

  • FroboMindWiki:University og Hohenheim

Pages for Employees


External resources

Here you can find a list of resources that may be interesting for your current project.


welcome.1361526026.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:20 (external edit)