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projects:onlinelib:systemfilebackup [2013/03/22 13:52]
projects:onlinelib:systemfilebackup [2021/08/14 04:21]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Back up System files ====== 
-Open a terminal and write:\\ 
-1. ssh (press ENTER)\\ 
-2. The Password (to get password write an e-mail to Claes:\\ 
-3. [this step is only first time you login] yes (press ENTER)\\ 
-4. cd PROJ-440ejournals/ (big letters with PROJ) (press ENTER) \\ 
-5. cd public (press ENTER) \\ 
-6. tar -cf backupVer0X.tar * (press ENTER) (wait for the file to be produced) \\ 
-The "backupVer0X.tar" is the name of the file you want. The x could be the number of the back up.\\ 
-7. ls (press ENTER) to make sure the file is there\\ 
-8. Remove the file from the server to your computer or common drive (or else it takes up space on the server).\\ 
projects/onlinelib/systemfilebackup.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:21 (external edit)