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Internship - DTU

This description is for the internship of Kim and Lasse.

Assignments, Description of work

There will be XX main tasks

  1. Preperation of autonomous platforms
  2. Start design and contruction of new autonomous platform, the JD-tractor

Preperation of autonomous platforms


  1. Update Mobotware to the latest version (linux knowledge)
  2. Update RHD Hako-plugin to send keep-alive signal to the ESX.(c-programming)
    1. (Kim)The plugin does not send the correct amount of data bit, thus making the ESX think that the keep alive sinal is low. The problem is maybe with the cammsg_t struct. Must be tested. See comments in code
  3. Test the hako after the update (linux/MobotWare knowledge)
    1. In determministic mode
    2. In reactive mode


  1. New computer
    1. Assemble all parts and fit them in casing. All HW is already here.
    2. Install Ubuntu 13.04 and all HW drivers
    3. Install Mobotware
  2. Update firmware on motorcontrollers
    1. Test the closed-loop speed command on the controllers
    2. update RHD plugin with open and closed-loop options


  1. RS485 to usb converter

JD tractor

  1. make steering autonomous
    1. add the steering to the ECU on the tractor
  2. Start ISOBUS plugin for the RHD
  3. Optional: New computer for the JD
projects/internship.1380640005.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:19 (external edit)