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Safety System

E-stop Buttons

<graphviz dot center 500×500> digraph G {

  edge [label=0];
  graph [ranksep=0];
  T [shape=record, label="{{T|5}|000}"];
  L [shape=record, label="{{L|3}|0010}"];
  R [shape=record, label="{{R|3}|0011}"];
  C [shape=record, label="{{C|3}|0100}"];
  M [shape=record, label="{{M|3}|0101}"];
  CM [label=6];
  SPACE [shape=record, label="{{SPACE|7}|011}"];
  I [shape=record, label="{{I|7}|100}"];
  G [shape=record, label="{{G|1}|101000}"];
  DOT [shape=record, label="{{DOT|1}|101001}"];
  A [shape=record, label="{{A|2}|10101}"];
  O [shape=record, label="{{O|4}|1011}"];
  P [shape=record, label="{{P|2}|11000}"];
  U [shape=record, label="{{U|2}|11001}"];
  PU [label=4];
  D [shape=record, label="{{D|2}|11010}"];
  N [shape=record, label="{{N|2}|11011}"];
  DN [label=4];
  PUDN [label=8];
  S [shape=record, label="{{S|4}|1110}"];
  E [shape=record, label="{{E|5}|1111}"];
  56 -> 24 -> 11 -> T;
  6 -> L;
  13 -> CM -> C;
  32 -> 15 -> I;
  8 -> 4 -> 2 -> G;
  17 -> PUDN -> PU -> P;
  DN -> D;
  9 -> S;11 -> 6 -> R [label=1];
  CM -> M [label=1];
  24 -> 13 -> SPACE [label=1];
  2 -> DOT [label=1];
  4 -> A [label=1];
  15 -> 8 -> O [label=1];
  PU -> U [label=1];
  PUDN -> DN -> N [label=1];
  56 -> 32 -> 17 -> 9 -> E [label=1];

} </graphviz>

robots/armadillo/hardware/safety.1332241746.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:20 (external edit)