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3D Mosaic

Vision Group

From left: Jörn, Dejan, Florian, Hans-Werner, thomas and Claes



Notes for Claes so he can remember which papers he should write!

  1. ECPA, Vincent, Jörn, Micha and I → platform
  2. Eviva, Jörn and I - something with LIDAR
  3. LIDAR with Jörn, Adana, part 1 - Sensors
  4. LIDAR/Cam, Jörn, Vincent, Claes, Potsdam, part 2 - Sensors
  5. Mapping in Adana, Claes

Data for Eviva

Adana data. Here is both the horizontal and vertical laser data, together with the GNSS data for each row. The GNSS file is in the folder for each row. The PNTL strings are wrong, so use only the GGA.

projects/3dmosaic.1346836410.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:19 (external edit)