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Armadillo Scout Projects

Using the Armadillo Scout as a scarecrow

Detect birds on a field. Scare them away without harming the birds or the crops.

Modeling Odometri for tracked autonomous vehicles

Short Description

Odometri for a autonomous vehicle running on tracks are different from odometri on wheels. The the dynamic changes of a track need to be invesitgated, so the changes can be account for in the control software.


The physical phenomenon that needs to be investigated and modelled are:

  • Dynamic distance change during driving. The circumference of the track is not constant.
  • Difference in tick counted between backwards and forwards driving. Hysterisis caused by the teeth in the sprocket wheel, because they do not have a tight fit in the track.
  • Define kinematic model that where slip is accounted for. Can be based on “Mixed Kinematic and Dynamic Sideslip Angle Observer for Accurate Control of Fast Off-Road Mobile Robots” by Lenain



Crawler vibration Measurement

Moreover, please check the following factors.

1. relation between lug or (core bar) pitch of rubber crawler and arrangement of track rollers.

2. The dominant frequency of mechanical vibration of rubber crawler vehicle can estimate by driving speed / lug or (core bar) pitch of rubber crawler.

In case lug or (core bar) pitch of rubber crawler is 0.084m and driving speed is 0.200m/s, dominant frequency of mechanical vibration of rubber crawler vehicle can estimate by 0.2/0.084=2.831Hz

Muneshi Mitsuoka fra Kyushu Universitet har skrevet PhD om vibrationer i baeltekoeretoejer. Han har ogsaa lavet noget software der kan simulere et design af baeltemodulerne. Jeg har uploadet praesentationen jeg har faaet af han her. Jeg tror det er en god ide at tage med i overvejelsene af et nyt design. Her er link til deres artikler: artikel 1 artikel 2

Observations so far

  • Kraftoverfoersel fra drivhjul til baelte: Hvis drivhjulet placeres nede i bageste hjoerne af baeltet, vil drivhjulet traekke i baeltet der ligger paa jorden mens det er belastet af hele robottens vaegt. Det burde goere baeltemodulet mere effektivt ved fremadkoersel., fordi der bliver trukket i stedet for skubbet.
  • Baelte med stort drivhjul - Se ogsaa Armadillo 3 arbejdsdokument.
    Det giver min 3 taender i baeltet hele tiden
  • De 3 skiver/hjul i hvert modul der baere vaegten bevaeger sig op og ned hver gang de koerer hen over en af metal delene i baeltet og hullerne i mellem dem. Jo hurtigere man koere jo mindre er problemet, men ikke desto mindre er det med til at lave vibretioner i rammen.
  • Vi har snakket med Prof. Meier fra TU Berlin. Han mete at vibrationerne kunne opstaa af flere grunde.
    • Polygon effekt; jo stoerre drivhjulet er jo bedre. Det skal have et ulige antal taender, og det skal vaere 17 eller derover for at mindske effekten.
    • Hvis huset er monteret paa daempere kan det skabe vibrationerne, pga. af den store masse der flytter sig frem og tilbage.
    • Vibrationerne kan stamme fra alle tandhjul, og det kan vaere meget svaert at fidne ud af praecis hvor de opstaar henne.
  • Observationer efter feltforsoeg: Hvis kaeden ikke er stram, bliver vibrationerne mindsket vaesentligt.

Movement of entire house for weight displacement

Adding an implement and balancing of weight

Beltmodule redesign

We need a new design in order for the module to live up to our expectations.

The official description is in this googledocs document

1 slide short presentation of the project:

Mechanical/Electrical projects

Dynamic change of height

Dynamic change of width

Tilting of the beltmodules

tilt the beltmodules and put a castor wheel on the ground

Update RHD for the new hardware

The RHD in MobotWare needs to be updated so it can control the hardware on Armadillo 2.


  • Gyro/IMU
  • Tiltmeter
  • GNSS
  • Sick LSM111
  • Stereo camera
  • Encoders


  • Motorcontrollers - is almost done

Selector button like on the Hako for mode control

  1. Remote - Bypass computer and go directly to the motorcontrollers
  2. WiiMote - (Using FroboMind)The software should start automatically based on the selected mode
  3. Automatic - The software should start automatically based on the selected mode
    1. MobotWare
    2. Frobomind

Upgrade the Safety System for the Armadillo-Scout

The Safety System need to be designed and implemented. It should follow the solution made for the Hako, so it is compliant with ISO 13849 - Machine Safety. It includes the following assignments:

  • Bumper like on the hako or something similar.
  • Redundant wirering for all e-stop buttons
  • Integrate the motorcontroller in the system, so the power is not just cut off and used a a motor/motorcontroller reset. See documentaton for motor controllers on how to corretly implement the MC in the Safety System.

Install Remote to connect directly to the motor controller

It is possible to cennect a RC controller directly to the motor controller. This mean it can be controlled with ot the computer and software.

Look for safety remote for this!

Control Panel

projects/ideas/armadillo_scout.1380103015.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 04:19 (external edit)